Sentence, souffle et linceul
Jannick Deslauriers

Jesus Castro Rosas


Metal, crinoline, clay, plaster… Eclectic mixtures and dark colors connect these artists through the plasticity of their work. Their affinity goes beyond their material exploration: a fascination for existential paradoxes and a questioning of spatio-temporal spaces are the cornerstones of their encounters.

It is the detail of a disaster, the rear lights of a vehicle in shreds, a life-size crash. Sentence, souffle et linceul stages an event of destruction. While Jannick emphasizes the trivialization of the tragedies generated by the media, she captures a moment, an ephemeral or not, or a symbol of contemporary society, which she translates through ingenious techniques. The heaviness of the subject is then transposed into a cloud of crinoline meticulously burnt here and there – all supported by a light, imperceptible metallic structure. This combination of materials creates a ghostly effect, making the sculpture transcend beyond the object status.

The zenith is the highest point above our head and the nadir is the lowest below our feet; hence the title of the sculpture by Jesus Castro Rosas, Zénith-Nadir. In this work, we can observe a form of humanoid head, placed on the ground, facing the sky, a bit like at the intersection of the zenith and the nadir. That’s precisely why the artist has focused on the alloy between several materials, sometimes delicate, sometimes raw. This work is the result of a mixture of clay, recycled metals, plaster and water: a complex amalgam designed somewhat at random. This experimentation reflects the artist's questions on the divergence between ways of thinking and visions of the world. Having lived in Mexico until he immigrated to Quebec in his mid-twenties, Jesus draws his inspiration mainly from his paradoxical life between the south and the north. 

With Sentence, souffle et linceul, Jannick Deslauriers creates an antinomy between the heaviness of a disastrous event and its relationship to space-time, ephemeral, as it melts under a mountain of miscellaneous facts. Both express these concepts through material exploration and produce work with a heterogeneous rendering.



Jannick Deslauriers is a Canadian artist known for her sculptures which explore the ethereal and fragility through the construction of delicate yet intricate translucent objects. She lives and works in Montreal, Canada. Her interest in fashion design and costume making led her to study fine arts at Concordia University from which she graduated in 2008. Deslauriers's work has been shown in several artist run centers and galleries in Canada and Europe. In 2011, she presented Mémoire Tangible, her first museum show in Joliette (Quebec). As of 2013, she has been represented by Art Mûr Gallery (Montreal), and her work has been part of multiple exhibitions abroad such as Miniartextile (2015) a traveling exhibition in Europe and Bunyan (2016) in the UAE. Over the past years, Deslauriers was the recipient of multiple research and creation grants from the Canada and Quebec Art Councils. Her work is featured in numerous publications such as Installation Art Now by Sandu Publishing and High Touch: tactile design and visual explorations by Gestalten publisher.

In 2019, Deslauriers's work was acquired by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MBAM) and in 2020, the Contemporary Art Museum (MAC) in Montreal acquired Sentence, souffle et linceul, one of her most iconic pieces. In 2020, she was admitted to the MFA in sculpture at Yale School of Art from which she graduated in the spring of 2022.




Jesus Castro Rosas is an artist of Mexican origin living in Montreal since 2008. He holds a bachelor's degree in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal. His work takes many forms, including sculpture, painting and installation. Between 2009 and 2022, his work has been presented in Montreal at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA), the Maison de la culture de Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, the Agora du Cœur des sciences de l'UQAM, the Centre de Diffusion et d'Expérimentation CDEx, Galerie Espace, Galerie de l'UQAM, L'échoppe Angus, CIRCA art actuel/Galerie POPOP, Salle d'exposition de la Place des Arts, Café Mezcal, Centre communautaire NDG, Centre culturel Simon Bolivar and Centre culturel Calixa-Lavallée.
