Nicolas Grenier, Andrée-Anne Mercier

So It’s Happening
Nicolas Grenier

Andrée-Anne Mercier


At first glance, the use of saturated color gradients could be what binds Nicolas Grenier and Andrée-Anne Mercier. However, their connection goes way beyond aesthetics: these two artists take a critical look at the same contemporary issues, namely the dominant hierarchies and the tensions between social classes.

The painting So It’s Happening by Nicolas Grenier displays a gradation of warm colors which ends towards the outside with cold colors, going from blue to orange. The same way the light breaks through the cold darkness, the center diffuses into a white circle. Four rectangular waves overlap and amplify the gradient. This iconography inspires change and transformation. At the bottom of each colored rectangle are four sentences: “It's been in the air for a while_ And I'm totally in favor of it don't get me wrong_ I guess I just didn't realize what it implied_ You know, with family, friends, my career, stuff I took for granted”. Nicolas thus refers to the paradigm shifts that have taken place in recent years, in particular to the various emancipation movements that have been amplified in the pandemic era.  

Sunrise is a video game produced in 2021 by Andrée-Anne Mercier in collaboration with Frédérique Bordeleau and Sandrine Cadieux. A woman's experience in a patriarchal society and the anxiety associated with it are the central themes addressed in the game. A scene from the game has been carefully captured, as this quote can be read, displayed on the wall of a pink building: “Our queer imaginations threaten patriarchy”. It is the result of a collaboration with the urban “colleureuses” of Collage féminicide Montréal. This mise en abyme stages the poster within the poster. Everything is enveloped in the colorful universe of Andrée-Anne, inspired by her travels to seaside towns and the nostalgia for digital games from the beginning of the Internet.

Put together, the works of Nicolas Grenier and Andrée-Anne Mercier question the system and invite us to embrace change. Nicolas' practice combines color gradients and writings that reflect a personal research on societal changes. Andrée-Anne develops digital research that evokes empathy through an immersive and informative experience.

*Traduction: C'est dans l'air depuis un moment _ Et je suis totalement en faveur de ça, ne vous méprenez pas _ Je suppose que je n'ai pas réalisé ce que cela impliquait _ Vous savez, avec la famille, les amis, ma carrière, des choses que je considérais comme acquises.



Through his research and work, Nicolas Grenier explores themes of paradigm shift and social order transformation. His work takes the form of paintings, installations, surveys on existential issues, experimental economic systems and other collaborative projects. His pictorial work combines a plurality of methods to translate societal issues into graphics, color fields, narrative stories, or architectural concepts. From themes such as the limitations of the Western value system, or the imagination of a post-capitalist future, Grenier elaborates speculative works that give form to these issues and questions and testify to the intangible forces that influence power structures.

Nicolas Grenier (b. 1982) holds a BFA from Concordia University and an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts and attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (Main). The artist has exhibited his work at the Art Gallery of Alberta (Edmonton), The Power Plant (Toronto), the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, La Biennale de Montréal, the Commonwealth & Council (Los Angeles), the Gagosian Gallery (Athens), the Triennale d'art et d'architecture de Bruges (Belgium) and the Union Gallery (London), among others. He was awarded the Pierre Ayot Prize in 2016 and was a finalist for the Sobey Art Prize in 2019. Nicolas Grenier is represented by the Bradley Ertaskiran and Luis De Jesus Los Angeles galleries.



Andrée-Anne Mercier is a Montreal based multidisciplinary artist. A graduate of the Université du Québec à Montréal and holder of a D.E.S.S diploma in Arts, Creation and Technology from the Université de Montréal, Mercier's artistic practice explores several modes of expression, including painting, video games, sculpture, installation art, 3D modeling and animation. She has participated in two artist residencies in Japan (Studio Kura and AIRY). This past year, she presented her work at Z Art Space Gallery (Montréal), at Robertson Arès Gallery (Montréal) and to the Foire en Art Actuel (Québec City).