Mémoire de l’avenir

Memories that lull us to sleep (2023)


Art Urbain Montréal and Art Souterrain present their exhibition for summer 2023: Mémoire de l'avenir - Memories that lull us to sleep. This urban poster exhibition project was born out of a desire to create relationships between different generations of Quebec artists.  

The exhibition, curated by Camille Larivée, is made up of 3 pairs, each comprising of an emerging artist and an established artist. These encounters allow us to immerse ourselves in Quebec art, in our everyday lives, and to reflect on the progression of certain themes in today's artistic imagination.  

From July to September, we invite you to take a stroll through the streets of Montréal · Tiohtià:ke and catch a glimpse of these reproductions of artworks displayed on the palisades of Publicité Sauvage. By scanning the QR codes on them, you can learn more about the artists, the curatorial vision and access the podcasts created for this project.


The six artists of the third edition of the Mémoire de l'avenir urban poster exhibition, entitled Memories that lull us to sleep, share their collective, family and identity memories that they hold dearly. What shared or intimate traditions, stories and memories are at the heart of these artists' practices? How can we protect and honor our collective memories in a cosmopolitan city like Montreal · Tiohtià:ke? Our stories pass through our bodies and minds from generation to generation, just as the St. Lawrence River, so close to us all, continues to make its waves, creating these memories of the future.  

kimura byol lemoine (키무라 별 르뫈木村 ビヨル レムワンー) and Ravy Puth ពុទ្ធ រ៉ាវី focus on identity memories eradicated by the ongoing violence of colonialism and honor the hope of living archives. Martin Akwiranoron Loft and Caira Karíhwenhà:wi Nicholas celebrate traditional collective histories and love for their Kanien'kehà:ka communities. Marie-Denise Douyon and Mallory Lowe Mpoka reflect on Black diasporic imaginaries, where definitions of sanctuaries and ancestral sites remain active memories imbued with tenderness. These artists offer us a doorway into their artistic universes, where a galaxy of memories lives on and is gently cradled by them. Now it's your turn to oscillate.



Camille Larivée is a street artist, independent curator, and cultural worker based in Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyaang / Montreal. They hold a bachelor's degree in art history and a certificate in feminist studies from the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). Their artistic and curatorial practice is anchored around collective emotional memories in urban public spaces and love for local biodiversity. They work with collage, drawing, and textiles, and their work has been shown in Canada, United States, and Sweden. As an author, they recently co-edited the book D'horizons et d'estuaires : entre mémoires et créations autochtones with Léuli Eshrāghi (2020) and they contributed to the magazines Canadian Art, ESPACE art actuel, and others.  

Their independent curatorial projects include the street art convergence Unceded Voices / Les Voix Insoumises (2014-2017), the public art project We Are Not Made of Bricks and Dust / Nous ne sommes pas faits de briques et de poussière (Montreal’s Réseau Accès Culture, 2019), and the collective exhibition I hear your warm whisper through the cold mist / J’entends ton chaud murmure à travers la brume froide (DRAC, 2022).   

Camille is the Executive and Artistic Director for the Montréal Arts Interculturels (MAI) since 2023.





KIMURA BYOL LEMOINE (키무라 별 르뫈 - 木村 ビヨル レムワンー), RAVY PUTH ពុទ្ធ រ៉ាវី

Dates and locations

Discover the exhibition on Publicité Sauvage's city poster walls across the city of Montreal · Tiohtià:ke, here are the main locations:

Complete series / July 3 to September 24

  • Décarie / Snowdon

  • Bellechasse / Casgran

  • Papineau / Rosemont

  • Beaubien / 10th Avenue

  • Notre-Dame / Mercier

  • Duluth / Berri

  • Frontenac / Sherbrooke

  • Clark / Sherbrooke

  • Parthenais / de Maisonneuve

  • St-Laurent / de Maisonneuve

  • Beaudry / René Lévesque

  • René Lévesque / St-Laurent

1-2 pairs / July 3 to September 24

  • Bellechasse / Christophe-Colomb

  • Rosemont / Marquette

  • D'Iberville / Masson

  • De L'esplanade / Laurier

  • Rachel / De Lorimier

  • Ste-Catherine / Bourbonnière

  • Ontario / Saint-Timothé

  • St-Laurent / De la Gauchetière



During the summer of 2023, our mediator/artists Rosalie DesRochers and Marie-Denise Douyon will lead cultural mediation and creative workshops with young kids at the Services des Loisirs Angus-Bourbonnière (SLAB) day camp in Rosemont. These workshops are intrinsically linked to the artworks of the 2023 edition. We are delighted to renew this collaboration, which enables us to put strengthen our aim of intergenerational sharing.


Art Urbain Montréal and Art Souterrain are proud to begin a collaboration with the Festival Présence Autochtone. An urban poster tower will present the exhibition Mémoire de l'Avenir : Memories that lull us to sleep and showcase works by Martin Akwiranoron Loft and Caira Karihwenhá:wi Nicholas. The Festival's desire to put on a cultural and artistic event at Place des Arts is right up our alley, and we're delighted to be part of it. This collaboration is made possible thanks to the financial support of Publicité Sauvage.

August 9-14, Place des Festivals (Montreal - Tiohtià:ke)

To find out more, visit the Festival website.


In these three episodes of the Mémoire de l’avenir podcast, Camille Larivée, the exhibition curator, invites the three artist pairs to talk about what they share as creatives.

Listen on Spotify or Youtube:


The Art Urbain Montréal team, in collaboration with Archiv VR, is opening the doors to discover an experiment as a little surprise as part of the Mémoire de l’avenir exhibition. The experiment offers you a short moment of Augmented Reality in the studio of kimura byol lemoine (키무라 별 르뫈木村 ビヨル レムワンー), via your phone or our website. We're proud to be working on this novelty, linking art and technology.

photos and videos

Mémoire de l’avenir, 2023

An overview of the events.

Video: Em-P L'Abbée

With the support of the Canada Council for the Arts